Complicaciones de la pre-eclampsia

[Complicaciones de la pre-eclampsia]

Paulino Emilio Vigil-De Gracia1

Publicado: 2015-04-03



Los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo son la complicación más frecuente y de peor resultado materno y fetal en mujeres embarazadas. El tratamiento adecuado es siempre la interrupción del embarazo. Sin embargo muchas pacientes se presentan con complicaciones asociadas a este síndrome al llegar al centro de atención médica; en otras el diagnóstico se retrasa o el manejo no es el adecuado y se pueden presentar estas complicaciones, y en otras a pesar del adecuado diagnóstico y correcto manejo se presentan complicaciones, siendo algunas de ellas causales de muerte materna. Las complicaciones más comunes son síndrome HELLP, insuficiencia renal, edema agudo pulmonar y encefalopatía. Otras complicaciones menos comunes pero de peor resultado son hemorragia cerebral, Hematoma/ruptura hepática y edema cerebral. Complicaciones poco frecuente son el desprendimiento de retina y coagulación intravascular no asociada a HELLP ni hemorragia obstétrica. El adecuado diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de pre-eclampsia puede evitar muchas de estas complicaciones y el manejo adecuado de dichas complicaciones disminuye la mortalidad materna.

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the most common and worst maternal and fetal complication in pregnant women. Proper treatment is always pregnancy termination. However, many patients present with complications associated with this syndrome before to reach the center of medical care; other diagnosis are delayed or the management is not adequate and these complications may occur, and in other cases, despite the diagnosis and proper management of complications, are cause for maternal death. The most common compli-cations are: HELLP syndrome, renal failure, acute pulmonary edema, and encephalopathy. Other less common complications are cerebral hemorrhage, hematoma/hepatic rupture, and cerebral edema. And rare complications include retinal detachment and intravascular coagulation not associated with HELLP syndrome or obstetric hemorrhage. The proper diag-nosis and management of pre-eclampsia can avoid many of these complications and appropriate management of these complications decreases maternal mortality.


Complications of pre eclampsia



Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the most common and worst maternal and fetal complication in pregnant women. Proper treatment is always pregnancy termination. However, many patients present with complications associated with this syndrome before to reach the center of medical care; other diagnosis are delayed or the management is not adequate and these complications may occur, and in other cases, despite the diagnosis and proper management of complications, are cause for maternal death. The most common complications are: HELLP syndrome, renal failure, acute pulmonary edema, and encephalopathy. Other less common complications are cerebral hemorrhage, hematoma/hepatic rupture, and cerebral edema. And rare complications include retinal detachment and intravascular coagulation not associated with HELLP syndrome or obstetric hemorrhage. The proper diagnosis and management of pre-eclampsia can avoid many of these complications and appropriate management of these complications decreases maternal mortality.


Key words: pregnancy, maternal death, hemorrhage, complications.


Los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo son la complicación más frecuente y de peor resultado materno y fetal en mujeres embarazadas. El tratamiento adecuado es siempre la interrupción del embarazo. Sin embargo muchas pacientes se presentan con complicaciones asociadas a este síndrome al llegar al centro de atención médica; en otras el diagnóstico se retrasa o el manejo no es el adecuado y se pueden presentar estas complicaciones, y en otras a pesar del adecuado diagnóstico y correcto manejo se presentan complicaciones, siendo algunas de ellas causales de muerte materna. Las complicaciones más comunes son síndrome HELLP, insuficiencia renal, edema agudo pulmonar y encefalopatía. Otras complicaciones menos comunes pero de peor resultado son hemorragia cerebral, Hematoma/ruptura hepática y edema cerebral. Complicaciones poco frecuente son el desprendimiento de retina y coagulación intravascular no asociada a HELLP ni hemorragia obstétrica. El adecuado diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de pre-eclampsia puede evitar muchas de estas complicaciones y el manejo adecuado de dichas complicaciones disminuye la mortalidad materna.

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the most common and worst maternal and fetal complication in pregnant women. Proper treatment is always pregnancy termination. However, many patients present with complications associated with this syndrome before to reach the center of medical care; other diagnosis are delayed or the management is not adequate and these complications may occur, and in other cases, despite the diagnosis and proper management of complications, are cause for maternal death. The most common compli-cations are: HELLP syndrome, renal failure, acute pulmonary edema, and encephalopathy. Other less common complications are cerebral hemorrhage, hematoma/hepatic rupture, and cerebral edema. And rare complications include retinal detachment and intravascular coagulation not associated with HELLP syndrome or obstetric hemorrhage. The proper diag-nosis and management of pre-eclampsia can avoid many of these complications and appropriate management of these complications decreases maternal mortality.


Complications of pre eclampsia



Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the most common and worst maternal and fetal complication in pregnant women. Proper treatment is always pregnancy termination. However, many patients present with complications associated with this syndrome before to reach the center of medical care; other diagnosis are delayed or the management is not adequate and these complications may occur, and in other cases, despite the diagnosis and proper management of complications, are cause for maternal death. The most common complications are: HELLP syndrome, renal failure, acute pulmonary edema, and encephalopathy. Other less common complications are cerebral hemorrhage, hematoma/hepatic rupture, and cerebral edema. And rare complications include retinal detachment and intravascular coagulation not associated with HELLP syndrome or obstetric hemorrhage. The proper diagnosis and management of pre-eclampsia can avoid many of these complications and appropriate management of these complications decreases maternal mortality.


Key words: pregnancy, maternal death, hemorrhage, complications.
