Placenta accreta in uterine intramural myoma in a primigestating patient: case report and review of the literature

placenta accreta, magnetic resonance imaging, myoma, prenatal diagnosisAbstract
Placenta accreta is defined as an abnormal trophoblastic invasion of part or all of the placenta at the level of the myometrial walls of the uterus. The incidence of placental accreta is increasingly on the rise. The most common risk factor is the presence of cesarean section and the likelihood of placental accreta increases the more cesarean sections the patient has. There is little data on placental accreta located in uterine myoma, especially in the context of a primigestational patient. We present the case of a late primigestation, who had a high-risk pregnancy due to placental accreta located in an intramural myoma; we also review the literature on the timely diagnosis and prognosis of this condition.
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