Ultrasonographic and laparoscopic findings in patients with deep endometriosis.
deep endometriosis, rectum, posterior compartment, ultrasound, laparoscopyAbstract
Objective: To determine the ultrasonographic and laparoscopic findings in patients with deep endometriosis in the Gynecology Service of the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex, Caja de Seguro Social (CHMDAAM - CSS). Methodology: Retrospective cross-sectional observational descriptive study in which ultrasonographic and laparoscopic findings in 48 patients with endometriosis in the Gynecology Service of the Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid were evaluated by means of clinical records. Results: The prevalence of endometriosis was higher in the 31-40 years age group (58%). Most of the symptomatology presented was in the 31 to 40 years age group. Dysmenorrhea was the most frequent symptom. In the ultrasonographic findings, most were found in the posterior behavior, mostly involving the rectum. The most frequent laparoscopic findings were in the posterior behavior. In our study, 35 of 46 of the patients with ultrasonographic findings demonstrating deep endometriosis had deep endometriosis at laparoscopy. In other words, endometriosis mapping ultrasound was able to predict 76% of the laparoscopic findings. Conclusions: the ultrasonographic findings are mostly consistent with the findings found by laparoscopy, being the posterior compartment the most affected, lesions in the rectum were the most frequently found.
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