Non-immune fetal hydrops
non-immune fetal hydrops, placentomegaly, polyhydramnios, amniocentesisAbstract
Nonimmune fetal hydrops fetalis is a complication that occurs during pregnancy in which fluid accumulates in the fetal tissues, which can lead to heart failure and other serious health problems. The incidence is low (1:5000 pregnancies). Causes may include viral infections, genetic disorders, alterations of the fetal cardiovascular system. Diagnosis is made by prenatal ultrasound and if non-immune hydrops is suspected, additional tests may be performed to determine the underlying cause, such as blood tests (serological tests for infections), genetic testing and amniotic fluid analysis. The prognosis will depend on the severity of the condition, the underlying cause, and the response to treatment. Although nonimmune fetal hydrops fetalis is not usually a recurrent condition, it is important for pregnant women to have regular prenatal checkups and to contact their physician if they have the condition. This will help detect any fetal problems as early as possible and plan appropriate treatment.
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