Human Papillomavirus infection in women with negative cytology

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cervical uterine cancer, HPV, Colposcopy, cervical uterine cancer, HPV, colposcopy


Introduction: Genital HPV infection is the most frequent STI. Objectives: To describe the results of care for women with negative cytology and positive HPV test. Methods: Longitudinal analytical study at the Hospital Gineco Obstetrico Docente Mariana Grajales from 2019 to 2021. The sample consisted of 174 women. Frequency distribution tables were created with absolute (number of cases) and relative (per hundreds) values. The mean, median, mode, minimum and maximum were determined. From the inferential point of view, the Chi-square test was applied for goodness of fit. Results: In 8 women more than one strain 4.44% were found. A total of 174 women attended follow-up 96.66% of the total. They were between 31 and 40 years old 54.02%. 94% initiated sexual relations before the age of 20 years, with an average of 16.8 years. 37.35% had had more than 5 sexual partners. Intermenstrual bleeding was reported by 74.71%. All the women underwent colposcopy and in 54.59% of them findings were found. Cytology and brushing studies were positive in 29 women: 16.66% were diagnosed with LIEBG and 12.66% with ASCUS. In 15 women LIEAG was diagnosed. ASA diathermic conization was performed in 82 women 47.12%. Of the 128 women with positive pull positive for other HPV, 55.17% had intermenstrual bleeding. Of the 46 women with high-grade colposcopy, 43 were confirmed for a positive correlation of 93.4% and of the 49 women with low-grade colposcopy, 39 were confirmed for 79.5%. Conclusions: most of the women were between 31 and 40 years old, with onset of sexual relations before the age of 20, with several sexual partners, and the main symptom reported was intermenstrual bleeding. Colposcopy was performed in all women and conization by diathermic ASA in almost half of the sample. Positive colpo histological correlation was found in most of the cases, mainly in the high grade.


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